Thursday, May 29, 2014

Paste Special Live Preview in Excel 2010

If you right-click a range of cells and select Paste Special, Excel 2010 brings up a live preview of the possible menu choices, as shown below.

Clicking an option lets you see a preview of how your spreadsheet will appear if you choose that option.

The short cut key for paste special Alt + E + S. Doing so, the paste Special window will open.

As you can see, the short cut key for each option is given as underlined character. For example, Paste Special-Formats has underlined "t". Hence, if you want to paste format only, you have to go for Alt+E+S+T. Similar procedures must be followed for other paste special options.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Improved Data Bars in Excel 2010

Excel 2007 introduced using data bars as a method to summarize numerical data. In Excel
2010 data bars have been improved in two ways: 
  • You can choose either Solid Fill or Gradient Fill for shading.
  • Data bars recognize negative numbers.

Figure given above shows an example of how the new data bars appear. Rows 4-11 contain gradient shading, and rows 1217 contain solid shading.

I will discuss this feature in details later when I will cover conditional formatting.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

New Equation Editor in Excel 2010

In Excel 2010 you can create equations in Excel. If you select Insert from the ribbon, you can then click Equation at the far right to bring up the equation templates as shown below.

For example, if you want to type an equation involving a summation sign, choose one of the Large Operator options.

Sometimes you want a well-known equation (such as the quadratic formula) to appear in your spreadsheet. After choosing Insert, click the drop-down arrow to the right of Equation to import an already completed equation (such as the quadratic formula). Of course, after choosing Insert you select Symbol, you can insert mathematical symbols (such as the Greek letter μ) into a cell.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

File Tab in Excel 2010

Excel 2007 introduced the Office button. In Excel 2010, the Office button has been replaced by the File tab. The File tab is located at the left end of the ribbon. After selecting File, you are presented with the choices as shown below.

You can see that the File tab combines the Print and File menus from previous versions of Excel. Also, selecting Options lets you perform a variety of tasks, such as customizing the ribbon or the Quick Access Toolbar, or installing add-ins. In Excel 2007 these tasks (except for customizing the ribbon) were performed after clicking the Office button.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Customizable ribbon in in Excel 2010

The Ribbon is the strip of buttons and icons located above the work area introduced with Excel 2007 that replaces the menus and toolbars found in earlier versions of Excel. Above the Ribbon are a number of tabs, such as Home, Insert, and Page Layout. Clicking on a tab displays the options located in this section of the ribbon. When any file opens, the options under the Home tab are displayed, which are grouped according to their function - such as Clipboard (includes cut, copy, and paste options), and Font (includes current font, font size, bold, italic, and underline options).

Clicking on an option on the ribbon may lead to further options contained in a Contextual Menu or dialog box that relate specifically to the option chosen. However, in Excel 2007, users were not able to customize the tabs displayed across the top of the ribbon. In Excel 2010, it is easy to customize the appearance of the ribbon tabs. Begin by selecting File in the upper-left portion of the ribbon. After choosing Options, you’ll see the Customize Ribbon page as shown below.

Now, if you want to show a new tab, say Developer. For that, simply select Developer in the list at the right, and click OK. You could also deselect in the same way. This video tutorial could help you understand.

You can change the order in which the tabs appear by selecting a tab, and then using the Move Up and Move Down arrows on the right.

If you click the drop-down arrow by Main Tabs, you can display Tool tabs. Then you can customize the tabs that appear when a given object is selected. For example, if you clear Format under Chart Tools, when you select a Chart object, the Format tab does not appear.


Clicking the New Tab button allows you to create a new tab, and the New Group button lets you create a group within a tab. Of course, you can use the Rename button to change the name of a group or tab.

The Quick Access Toolbar is an old function from Excel 2007 that can still be very useful. You probably use some Excel commands much more often than others. Having to switch between tabs to find the command you need might slow you down. The Quick Access Toolbar allows you to collect your favorite commands in one place. The default location of the Quick Access Toolbar is above the ribbon in the upper-left portion of the Excel window.

You can add a command to the Quick Access Toolbar simply by right-clicking the command and choosing Add To Quick Access Toolbar. You can also add commands by clicking File in the upper-left portion of the ribbon. Next click Options, and then display the Customize the Quick Access Toolbar page. After choosing a command you want to add, select Add, and click OK. Of course, the Move Up and Move Down arrows let you customize the order in which icons appear. You can remove any command from the Quick Access Toolbar by right-clicking the command, and then clicking Remove From Quick Access Toolbar. You can move the Quick Access Toolbar below the ribbon by right-clicking the toolbar, and selecting Show Below The Ribbon.

People sometimes have trouble finding commands that appeared in earlier versions of Excel that seem to have disappeared from Excel 2010. For example, you might be a fan of the old method used to create PivotTables. If you still want to use the layout method, you can find it by clicking the drop-down arrow to the right of Popular Commands and choosing Commands Not In The Ribbon. After scrolling down (pressing the P key several times is probably quicker!), you will find the PivotTable And PivotChart Wizard command, which you can then add to your Quick Access Toolbar.

Friday, May 16, 2014

What’s New in Excel 2010

Microsoft Excel 2010 contains many new features that are very helpful for carrying out various activities:

Customizable ribbon: Now you can completely customize the appearance of the ribbon.

Sparklines: Cool graphs that summarize lots of data in a single cell.

Slicers: Dashboard controls that make “slicing and dicing” PivotTable calculations much easier.

PowerPivot: A free add-in that enables you to quickly create PivotTables with up to
100 million rows of data based on data from many sources (databases, spreadsheets, and websites).

Solver: An improved Solver allows you to find the “best” solution to many business problems for which previous versions of the Solver returned incorrect answers.

File tab: The new File tab on the ribbon replaces the Office button and allows easy access to the File and Print menus.

Updated statistical functions: The accuracy of Excel statistical functions has been improved, and several new functions (including RANK.EX, AGGREGATE, WORKDAY.INTL, and NETWORKDAYS.INTL) have been added.

Equations: You can now edit equations in Excel by using an equation editor that is similar to the Microsoft Word equation editor.

Data bars: Data bars have been improved.

Paste Special: Paste Special options now include a live preview.

All the features will be discussed later in details in the following posts. Keep reading !!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Important features in Microsoft Excel 2010

In my last blog on Basics of Excel, I explained the concepts of Excel file, worksheet and cell. While reading the blog, you might have been wondering the extent of cells or worksheets you could use for a certain file. This blog will discuss some important features in Microsoft Excel 2010
  • A worksheet can have maximum 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, which means more than 17 billion or 1700 crores of cells in one sheet – just imagine!!!!
  • Maximum column width is of 255 characters and row height is of 409 points
  • A cell can contain maximum 32,767 characters
  • Number of sheets in a file (also called workbook) is limited by available memory; default is 3 sheets
  • You can create 16 million colors in a workbook (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)
  • There are 64,000 unique cell formats or styles, 256 fill styles and 256 line weight and styles available
  • Maximum 66,530 hyperlinks could be created in a worksheet
  • Maximum 2,147,483,648 non-contiguous cells that can be selected
  • 256 users can open and share a shared workbook at the same time
  • 32,767 cells can be highlighted in a shared workbook        
  • Excel can handle some humongous numbers
               Smallest allowed number: 2.2251 X 10-308
               Largest allowed number: 9.99999999999999 X 10307
               Largest allowed number via formula: 1.7976931348623158 X 10308
  • Excel is also very powerful in handling formulas
               Highest possible length of formula contents: 8,192 characters
               Maximum internal length of formula: 16,384 bytes
               Maximum permissible iterations: 32,767
               Highest number of arguments in a function: 255
               Maximum nested levels of functions: 64
               Maximum user defined function categories: 255
               Maximum number of available worksheet functions: 341
               Cross-worksheet dependency: up to 64,000 worksheets could be referred to other sheets
               Dependency on a single cell: up to 4 billion formulas could depend on a single cell
               Linked cell content length from closed workbooks: 32,767
  • Excel is quite flexible in accepting extreme value of time and date
               Earliest date allowed for calculation: January 1, 1900
               Latest date allowed for calculation:   December 31, 9999
               Largest amount of time that can be entered:  9999:59:59

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Basics of Excel - File, Worksheet, Cell

Today’s blog covers rudimentary yet important aspects of Excel – worksheet and cell.

Before you start working with Excel, you need to understand how these concepts are linked. When you open an Excel file, you would notice a number of worksheets. Each worksheet has number of cells. You could understand this by an analogy – cells are like houses, worksheets are blocks or wards and file as a city. Now think of writing a letter (hardly people write now though!!). You start with residential or office address, i.e. the address of entity being referenced followed by block , city and so on. Although we write address in this way, in reality the address is accessed in opposite manner, i.e. from larger to smaller entity. Same principle is followed in Excel also. When you refer to a cell from a different file, file name, then worksheet name and then cell name must be mentioned. Good thing about Excel is that you don’t have to remember; just click onto the cell and then the address would be copied. For a cell on same file, but different worksheet, only worksheet  name before cell address is required.

Talking about cell address which is as per our analogy the address of house or office, it has to be unique and easily identifiable. Those who are conversant with Google Map or could remember geography classes of yore, it will not be difficult to locate a place – it’s simple the intersection of latitude and longitude, or vertical and horizontal lines. If you have studied coordinate geometry,  you could also recollect how a point on 2-d plane could be located – intersection of abscissa (X-axis) and ordinate (Y axis). Similarly any cell in Excel  could be conceived to be the intersection of horizontal (represented by numbers- 1,2,3 and so on) and vertical (represented by alphabets -A,B,C and so on; remember these are not case sensitive, hence a,b,c would suffice). Only difference lies in the order of representation. In case of coordinate geometry, X axis, i.e. horizontal value comes first followed by vertical, i.e. Y-axis value. In case of Excel cell address, vertical i.e. column value in terms of alphabets comes first followed by horizontal i.e. row value in terms of numbers. This concept seems to be trivial, but holds great significance in case of absolute referencing to be discussed later. This is also important while it is imperative to link the content of a cell, which will be explained though following video.

Hope you have understood the basics of Excel. In my next session, I will discuss the concept of absolute and relative referencing. Until then, you should practice the cell linking with some of your own data.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Length of surname (First name-Last name format)

A few days back, on my Facebook page, I have posted a question - how to find out the number of characters of surname of a standard name (first name-last name only). This post will try to explain the rationale.

As can be seen, this lesson involved two functions, both belong to Text category, viz. SEARCH and LEN. Now think how these could be used for other cases.


As mentioned in the video, now think how these functions could be used for two other cases:

1. A name having middle name

2. A name with no surname

Saturday, May 10, 2014

This blog - Excelable will discuss hands-on Excel techniques with the help of text and video tutorials.