In my last blog on Basics of Excel, I explained the concepts
of Excel file, worksheet and cell. While reading the blog, you might have been
wondering the extent of cells or worksheets you could use for a certain file.
This blog will discuss some important features in Microsoft Excel 2010
- A worksheet can have maximum 1,048,576 rows and 16,384 columns, which means more than 17 billion or 1700 crores of cells in one sheet – just imagine!!!!
- Maximum column width is of 255 characters and row height is of 409 points
- A cell can contain maximum 32,767 characters
- Number of sheets in a file (also called workbook) is limited by available memory; default is 3 sheets
- You can create 16 million colors in a workbook (32 bit with full access to 24 bit color spectrum)
- There are 64,000 unique cell formats or styles, 256 fill styles and 256 line weight and styles available
- Maximum 66,530 hyperlinks could be created in a worksheet
- Maximum 2,147,483,648 non-contiguous cells that can be selected
- 256 users can open and share a shared workbook at the same time
- 32,767 cells can be highlighted in a shared workbook
- Excel can handle some humongous numbers
Largest allowed number: 9.99999999999999 X 10307
Largest allowed number via formula: 1.7976931348623158 X
- Excel is also very powerful in handling formulas
Maximum internal length of formula: 16,384 bytes
Maximum permissible iterations: 32,767
Highest number of arguments in a function: 255
Maximum nested levels of functions: 64
Maximum user defined function categories: 255
Maximum number of available worksheet functions: 341
Cross-worksheet dependency: up to 64,000 worksheets could be
referred to other sheets
Dependency on a single cell: up to 4 billion formulas could
depend on a single cell
Linked cell content length from closed workbooks: 32,767
- Excel is quite flexible in accepting extreme value of time and date
Latest date allowed for calculation: December 31, 9999
Largest amount of time that can be entered: 9999:59:59
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